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Welcome to Liberty Towers Church. We are a church that loves God and loves our community. Jesus is at the center of everything that we do as a church, and we strive to honor him as we follow his command to love one another as Jesus has loved us. We believe that Jesus is the only hope for this broken world, and therefore, we want to tell everyone in our community about Jesus by sharing the gospel and loving like Jesus.


You can join us at 9:30 AM for our acoustic service or at 11 AM for our full service and kids program.

If you are unable to attend in person, join us Sundays at 11 AM for our livestream service on Facebook. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us.


Our services are designed to help you experience God's amazing love through music, stories, conversations, videos, and exploring the bible together. The sermons cut to the heart of God's love for us and His purpose for us in this world. Our 11 AM service offers a contemporary worship blend enhanced with video, lights and a full band. Infant through Jr. High programs are offered during this service.

As a first-time guest, be sure to drop by the Connection table or fill out one of our connect cards before or after the service to learn more about who we are & get connected.


// Liberty Towers Kids

Our Liberty Towers Kids program is up and running during our 11AM service for kids from infancy to Junior High. Our Kids team will meet you & your child(ren) outside the main entrance for check-in. If you have any questions or special instructions, we will be happy to try and help. More…



We run a number of different programs through Liberty Towers. Check out the “Our Programs” and “Events” links at the top of the page for all of the details


The bible teaches us to pray for one another (Ephesians 6:18; 1 Timothy 2:1; James 5:16). We are dedicated to praying for those who send us prayer requests, so please send us an email and we’d be more than happy to pray for you.

A place to belong

Liberty Towers - Main Campus


Liberty Towers - Roseville Campus